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Searching for English word(s): bird
pos |
English |
aakapahaʾa (ir...) |
VT |
1. scatter, drive off, as a group of animals or birds; stampede, as horses or cattle
aakapáhaʾa (ir...) |
VT |
1. scatter, drive off, run off, frighten off, as animals, birds, or humans
awarii |
VI |
1. fly around, as a bird
awihaakawahc |
VI |
1. eat in a pecking fashion, as a bird
awihiwihc (ur...) |
VI |
2. fly into sight, appear flying, as a bird or airplane
awihiwihc (ur...) |
VP |
3. appear flying, fly into sight, as a bird or plane
awihurahac |
VI |
2. fly out of sight, as a bird
awihurahwiʾa (ir...) |
VI |
1. come flying, swooping, or sweeping close to the ground, as a bird swooping down on prey
awihurahwiʾat |
VI |
1. fly, swoop, or sweep close to the ground, as a bird swooping down on prey
awihuruusik |
VI |
2. vanish in flight, as a bird
awihuruusiksat |
VI |
1. movement to vanish or disappear, as the flight of a bird
awikaksaahusa (ir...) |
VI |
1. call out as one comes flying, a ref. to a bird
awikatawihak |
VI |
1. fly around inside, as a bird inside a dwelling or cage
awikatíriitik |
VI |
1. soar, fly high above in the sky; glide in the sky, fly slowly through the air, as a hawk or eagle; a ref. to a large bird
awikawatak |
VI |
2. fly out, as a bird from a cage; run out, run into the open, as from inside a dwelling
awikátasa |
VI |
1. soar, fly high in the sky, fly against the vault of the Heavens, as an eagle or hawk; a ref. to a large bird
awiʾiisat |
VI |
1. fly out of sight, as a bird or airplane
cakíraʾ [[cəkίrəʾ]] |
N |
1. kingbird (Tyrannus carolinensis)
ckustaáruʾ [[tskustá:ruʾ]] |
N |
1. bird's tail, tail of a fowl
ckuucáku [[tsku:cə́ku]] |
N |
1. blunt arrow, as used by boys when playing and shooting birds
hawiitik |
VI |
2. land on water, as a bird
hiitpaakaraʾuk |
VT |
1. pluck feathers from a bird; pluck a bird
hiitpaawirik |
VI |
1. molt, shed feathers, as a bird
huukitawiitik |
VI |
2. land on top of, as on a table or fence post; alight on, as a bird on a tree limb
híriitik |
VI |
1. get into water, lie down in water; go down in water, as a bird diving
húkaataʾaahisuʾ [[húka:təhà:hisuʾ]] |
N |
1. small bird that walks along a stream bank and in shallow water
ickustaahkus |
VI |
1. be a bird's tail
kaásit [[ká:sιt]] |
N |
1. blackbird, cowbird
kaásitkiwahaaruʾ [[ká:sιtkiwəha:ruʾ]] |
N |
1. red-wing blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)
kiciis |
VD |
1. be bare, bald, barren, as ground with no vegetation, a bird with no feathers, a dog with no hair
kiruus- |
1. bunch, group, crowd, huddle, as of animals, birds, or people; clump, as growing plants
kiíspaktaahus [[kí:spEktaahus]] |
N |
1. whistle (generic), formerly made of the leg bone of a large bird, probably a crane
kusuhuhca |
V |
1. be a flock of birds, as in flight, in a field, or in a tree
kusuhuhtakipiraah |
VT |
1. have a flock of birds gathered around, as chickens around a person
kúsuhuuruʾ |
N |
1. flock, a ref. to birds
kúsuhuuruʾ |
N |
1. flock of birds
raaraʾuk |
VI |
1. sing; also said of birds
raáhkisiituʾ |
N |
1. bird nest
raáritpiiruʾ [[raárItpiiruʾ]] |
N |
1. wing, bird wing
rikúckaatit |
N |
1. black eagle; black bird
ráhkisiituʾ |
N |
1. bird nest
ríkuckaatiit |
N |
1. black bird, as a blackbird or black eagle
ríkucki [[ríkutski]] |
N |
1. bird
ríkuckirikuhki [[ríkutskI`rIkuhki]] |
N |
1. any large bird that characteristically moves its head around, esp. domestic fowl like the chicken or turkey
ríkucpakakariʾ [[ríkutspE`kEkE`riʾ]] |
N |
1. mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)
ríkuctariiʾus [[ríkutstEriiʾus, rikútstEriiʾus]] |
N |
1. bluebird (Sialia sialis)
ríkuhcawiitakaaruʾ [[ríkuhcEwiìtEkaaruʾ]] |
N |
1. hummingbird (Trochilidae)
ríkuhcihariʾ |
N |
1. chick, baby bird
ríkuhcihariʾ |
N |
1. young bird, chick
tawiitik |
VI |
1. light, alight, perch; alight on, perch on, land on, as a bird on a tree or wire
uhuhtaakahak (ut...) |
VI |
1. fly in a circle, circle around flying, as a large bird or airplane
uhuhtakaahak |
VI |
1. fly down, swoop down, stoop, as a bird pursuing prey; drop down, as a helicopter
uhuhtiraahawiitik (ut...) |
VI |
1. fly at an angle, slanting to one side, or sideways, as when a large bird turns
uhuraar (ut...) |
VI |
2. change position, as the position or angle of a flying bird
uhuriirik (ut...) |
VT |
1. see movement, as that of a person or the flight of a bird
uhuurawacitik |
VI |
2. fly out, fly outside, as a bird in a room
uhuurawacitiksa (ir...) |
VI |
2. come flying out, flying outside, as a bird in a room
uhuururahwiʾa (ir...) |
VI |
1. come flying, swooping, or sweeping close to the ground, as a bird swooping down on prey
uhuururahwiʾat |
VI |
1. fly, swoop, or sweep close to the ground, as a bird swooping down on prey
uʾat |
VI |
1. fly in a line; fly over, fly by, fly off, as a bird or airplane
wakaarawiihuhtaakahak (ut...) |
VI |
1. fly in a circle making a noise, as a large bird like an eagle or hawk whistling or screeching
wakaarawitaakahak (ut...) |
VI |
1. fly in a circle making a noise, as a large bird like an eagle or hawk whistling or screeching
waktaa |
VI |
2. make or emit its characteristic sound or cry, as of an animal, bird, or other creature; bray, low, bellow, trumpet, cackle, chirp, sing, etc.
wiitik |
VI |
4. land, set down, come to a landing, as an airplace or flock of birds