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Skiri Pawnee Dictionary

Searching for English word(s): bird

pos English
aakapahaʾa (ir...) VT

1. scatter, drive off, as a group of animals or birds; stampede, as horses or cattle

examples, etc.
aakapáhaʾa (ir...) VT

1. scatter, drive off, run off, frighten off, as animals, birds, or humans

examples, etc.
awarii VI

1. fly around, as a bird

examples, etc.
awihaakawahc VI

1. eat in a pecking fashion, as a bird

examples, etc.
awihiwihc (ur...) VI

2. fly into sight, appear flying, as a bird or airplane

examples, etc.
awihiwihc (ur...) VP

3. appear flying, fly into sight, as a bird or plane

examples, etc.
awihurahac VI

2. fly out of sight, as a bird

examples, etc.
awihurahwiʾa (ir...) VI

1. come flying, swooping, or sweeping close to the ground, as a bird swooping down on prey

examples, etc.
awihurahwiʾat VI

1. fly, swoop, or sweep close to the ground, as a bird swooping down on prey

examples, etc.
awihuruusik VI

2. vanish in flight, as a bird

examples, etc.
awihuruusiksat VI

1. movement to vanish or disappear, as the flight of a bird

examples, etc.
awikaksaahusa (ir...) VI

1. call out as one comes flying, a ref. to a bird

examples, etc.
awikatawihak VI

1. fly around inside, as a bird inside a dwelling or cage

examples, etc.
awikatíriitik VI

1. soar, fly high above in the sky; glide in the sky, fly slowly through the air, as a hawk or eagle; a ref. to a large bird

examples, etc.
awikawatak VI

2. fly out, as a bird from a cage; run out, run into the open, as from inside a dwelling

examples, etc.
awikátasa VI

1. soar, fly high in the sky, fly against the vault of the Heavens, as an eagle or hawk; a ref. to a large bird

examples, etc.
awiʾiisat VI

1. fly out of sight, as a bird or airplane

examples, etc.
cakíraʾ [[cəkίrəʾ]] N

1. kingbird (Tyrannus carolinensis)

examples, etc.
ckustaáruʾ [[tskustá:ruʾ]] N

1. bird's tail, tail of a fowl

examples, etc.
ckuucáku [[tsku:cə́ku]] N

1. blunt arrow, as used by boys when playing and shooting birds

examples, etc.
hawiitik VI

2. land on water, as a bird

examples, etc.
hiitpaakaraʾuk VT

1. pluck feathers from a bird; pluck a bird

examples, etc.
hiitpaawirik VI

1. molt, shed feathers, as a bird

examples, etc.
huukitawiitik VI

2. land on top of, as on a table or fence post; alight on, as a bird on a tree limb

examples, etc.
híriitik VI

1. get into water, lie down in water; go down in water, as a bird diving

examples, etc.
húkaataʾaahisuʾ [[húka:təhà:hisuʾ]] N

1. small bird that walks along a stream bank and in shallow water

examples, etc.
ickustaahkus VI

1. be a bird's tail

examples, etc.
kaásit [[ká:sιt]] N

1. blackbird, cowbird

examples, etc.
kaásitkiwahaaruʾ [[ká:sιtkiwəha:ruʾ]] N

1. red-wing blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)

examples, etc.
kiciis VD

1. be bare, bald, barren, as ground with no vegetation, a bird with no feathers, a dog with no hair

examples, etc.
kiruus- N DEP

1. bunch, group, crowd, huddle, as of animals, birds, or people; clump, as growing plants

examples, etc.
kiíspaktaahus [[kí:spEktaahus]] N

1. whistle (generic), formerly made of the leg bone of a large bird, probably a crane

examples, etc.
kusuhuhca V

1. be a flock of birds, as in flight, in a field, or in a tree

examples, etc.
kusuhuhtakipiraah VT

1. have a flock of birds gathered around, as chickens around a person

examples, etc.
kúsuhuuruʾ N

1. flock, a ref. to birds

examples, etc.
kúsuhuuruʾ N

1. flock of birds

examples, etc.
raaraʾuk VI

1. sing; also said of birds

examples, etc.
raáhkisiituʾ N

1. bird nest

examples, etc.
raáritpiiruʾ [[raárItpiiruʾ]] N

1. wing, bird wing

examples, etc.
rikúckaatit N

1. black eagle; black bird

examples, etc.
ráhkisiituʾ N

1. bird nest

examples, etc.
ríkuckaatiit N

1. black bird, as a blackbird or black eagle

examples, etc.
ríkucki [[ríkutski]] N

1. bird

examples, etc.
ríkuckirikuhki [[ríkutskI`rIkuhki]] N

1. any large bird that characteristically moves its head around, esp. domestic fowl like the chicken or turkey

examples, etc.
ríkucpakakariʾ [[ríkutspE`kEkE`riʾ]] N

1. mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)

examples, etc.
ríkuctariiʾus [[ríkutstEriiʾus, rikútstEriiʾus]] N

1. bluebird (Sialia sialis)

examples, etc.
ríkuhcawiitakaaruʾ [[ríkuhcEwiìtEkaaruʾ]] N

1. hummingbird (Trochilidae)

examples, etc.
ríkuhcihariʾ N

1. chick, baby bird

examples, etc.
ríkuhcihariʾ N

1. young bird, chick

examples, etc.
tawiitik VI

1. light, alight, perch; alight on, perch on, land on, as a bird on a tree or wire

examples, etc.
uhuhtaakahak (ut...) VI

1. fly in a circle, circle around flying, as a large bird or airplane

examples, etc.
uhuhtakaahak VI

1. fly down, swoop down, stoop, as a bird pursuing prey; drop down, as a helicopter

examples, etc.
uhuhtiraahawiitik (ut...) VI

1. fly at an angle, slanting to one side, or sideways, as when a large bird turns

examples, etc.
uhuraar (ut...) VI

2. change position, as the position or angle of a flying bird

examples, etc.
uhuriirik (ut...) VT

1. see movement, as that of a person or the flight of a bird

examples, etc.
uhuurawacitik VI

2. fly out, fly outside, as a bird in a room

examples, etc.
uhuurawacitiksa (ir...) VI

2. come flying out, flying outside, as a bird in a room

examples, etc.
uhuururahwiʾa (ir...) VI

1. come flying, swooping, or sweeping close to the ground, as a bird swooping down on prey

examples, etc.
uhuururahwiʾat VI

1. fly, swoop, or sweep close to the ground, as a bird swooping down on prey

examples, etc.
uʾat VI

1. fly in a line; fly over, fly by, fly off, as a bird or airplane

examples, etc.
wakaarawiihuhtaakahak (ut...) VI

1. fly in a circle making a noise, as a large bird like an eagle or hawk whistling or screeching

examples, etc.
wakaarawitaakahak (ut...) VI

1. fly in a circle making a noise, as a large bird like an eagle or hawk whistling or screeching

examples, etc.
waktaa VI

2. make or emit its characteristic sound or cry, as of an animal, bird, or other creature; bray, low, bellow, trumpet, cackle, chirp, sing, etc.

examples, etc.
wiitik VI

4. land, set down, come to a landing, as an airplace or flock of birds

examples, etc.
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